When Crowns Now Family Dentistry in Greenville, South Carolina, restores your smile with a dental crown, you can expect your restoration to last many years with proper care. Unfortunately, your crown can let you down before its expiry date. Although your dental crown is created to last many years, watch out for the failing signs below to take remedial action before it’s too late.
Your crown may be sensitive or mildly painful immediately after installation as your smile copes with the enamel shaving. However, if your pain persists for days, this isn’t normal. Pain or sensitivity around the tooth may mean your enamel is exposed or your gums are inflamed. Always visit a dentist immediately if you experience unexpected pain or sensitivity.
Sometimes, the gum tissue around a dental crown may recede, exposing the tooth’s root. Gum recession can occur due to gum disease, aggressive brushing techniques, or an ill-fitting crown. Exposed roots are more susceptible to decay and sensitivity and could soon compromise your dental crown.
A crown may become loose or dislodged if the dental adhesive holding it deteriorates over time. Sometimes, your dental crown can become loose because of poor placement or damage to the underlying tooth structure. A loose crown can lead to discomfort, difficulty chewing, and an increased risk of decay or infection.
Vehicular accidents, sports injuries, and chronic teeth grinding (bruxism) are some factors that can damage your dental crown. Damage compromises your crown’s structural integrity and exposes the underlying tooth to bacteria and decay.
Though rare, you may experience an allergic reaction to the materials used in the crown, such as metal alloys. Metal allergy can manifest as gum irritation, swelling, or discomfort. Our office uses hypoallergic materials (ceramics) to create your crowns. However, if you experience allergic reactions, contact us immediately.
Over time, crowns made of certain materials like gold or porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) may develop a dark line at the gum line, giving the appearance of a shadow. This pigmentation can detract from the natural look of your crown, ruining your entire smile. Such crowns should be replaced with ceramic crowns to maintain your aesthetics.
Although your crowns are created to last many years, they’ll wear out at some point. This is expected after years of use in everyday chewing and grinding. When your crown is between 10-15 years old and has visible signs of wear and tear, replace it before it compromises your smile.
At Crowns Now Family Dentistry, Dr. Matthew Dickson and the team can inspect your crown to determine if replacement is necessary. Call (864) 655-7788 to schedule an appointment today. We have convenient offices in Greenville, Greer, Irmo, or Woodruff, SC. Let us be your one-stop home for all your dental crown needs.